Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Money does help!

I was reading up on some online articles when i stumbled along a "reader's comment" section of the New York Times website. A gentleman talks about his sons navigation through the juvenile justice system. His son was able to avoid detention for his crimes due to the help of a good attorney and high school principle. As i focus my research on lower income households, their ability to afford a good attorney to get their son out of a pinch, may be slim to none. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusion, but here is another example of the opportunities the lower social class families don't have..................

1 comment:

  1. You're not jumping to the wrong conclusion if that NYTimes letter illustrates a pattern -- and it sure does! BTW, approaching this relationship from the other side of the variable would be a great complement to the attention center interviews and citing research on the people that get caught. Ever read Chamblis' piece on the Saints and Roughnecks? And you'd have access to plenty o' Saints in your position at CC I'd bet.
